Wohnmobil Führerschein: Welchen brauchst du und worauf solltest du achten?

Motorhome driving license: Which one do you need and what should you pay attention to?

Posted by Rebecca Andresen on

When we told our friends that we had bought a motorhome, most of them thought we had secretly obtained a truck driving license in the meantime. Actually, no!

Both Christoph and I have a normal Class B driving license. He got it around 2001 and I got it in 2007. Our motorhome is a classic Sunlight T65, which has a total length of 7m and an empty weight of around 2.8t.

So what can I drive with my Class B motorhome driving license?

  • Vehicles up to a total weight of 3.5t
  • 9 people in total
  • Trailer must not exceed 750kg

The total mass here actually includes the vehicle, load (fresh water, grey water, camping furniture, etc.) and people.

This license alone allows you to drive over 80% of motorhomes. Many people who have never been camping before are often put off by their first trip in a motorhome because they assume they need a special license or a truck license. Most people are surprised when we tell them that their normal license is completely sufficient to drive/tow the most common motorhomes or caravans.

Driving license class B96

We are a family of three and when in doubt, we always have way too much with us. Although a motorhome only offers a relatively small area, 3.5 tonnes is quickly exceeded. Don't forget, because everything is weighed when you step on the scales: fresh water, grey water, etc. Then maybe three bikes for trips, four camping chairs, a large camping table, etc. That's how the kilos add up very quickly. And the people are actually included in the calculation.

With the driving license class B96, which is actually just an addition and not a class in itself, you are allowed to tow a total weight of 4.25t.

Note: As soon as you drive more than 3.5t, you must follow the truck signs and not drive more than 100km/h on the motorway.

How do I get this add-on?

In fact, you only have to complete a one-day training course and do not need to take a driving test.

  • Minimum age: 17 years and older
  • One-day training
  • Theory and practical exams are cancelled
  • Costs: Depending on the state, approx. 300-500€

And what about a caravan?

If you have a really spacious caravan, you will need a trailer driving license - driving license class BE. Caravans can be quite heavy and with the driving license class BE you can tow trailers up to 3.5t. However, to get the BE driving license you have to take both a theoretical and a practical test.

Please note: With a caravan up to 3.5t you are only allowed to drive at a maximum of 100km/h on the motorway. Over 3.5t GVW you are only allowed to drive at 80km/h on the motorway.

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