Order, Shipping & Returns

We ship with GLS.

Shipping within Germany is €4.95. If the shopping cart value within Germany is €49 or more, there are no shipping costs.

For Austria or other EU countries, shipping costs are €10.90. Unfortunately, deliveries to Switzerland are currently not possible.

Our current delivery time is 2-4 working days (from order; for advance payment from receipt of payment). Due to the current situation, delays may occur. Deviations from this are possible and are listed up-to-date and transparently for the respective products. If you have ordered items with different delivery times, we will send the goods in one shipment unless we have made different arrangements with you.

To ensure you always know where your order is, you can use the tracking code that you will find in your shipping confirmation email.

If you would like to change or cancel your order afterwards, please send us a message immediately. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible once we have prepared it for shipping.

Address changes can also only be made as long as your order has not yet been sent to the shipping service provider.

Discount codes or vouchers can be redeemed at checkout. Only one code can be redeemed per order.
It is not possible to apply the discount retroactively. If you have any problems redeeming your voucher or discount code, please contact us before placing your order. We will then be happy to help you.

Within 14 days of delivery you have the
Possibility to exercise your right of withdrawal and return your order to us.

Important: You are responsible for the return shipping costs.

Please send the return with the completed return form to the following address:

Wildnest Glamping c/o Subke GmbH


Gate 1

Pulverweg 6

21337 Luneburg

Once the goods have arrived at our warehouse, we need approximately 5-10 working days to process the return.

Once the item has arrived in our warehouse, we need approximately 5-10 working days to process the return.

For organizational reasons, we treat exchanges like returns. To do this, you send us the items you want to exchange as a return. We will refund the purchase amount as soon as we receive the items. At the same time, you can order the products you want instead in the shop as usual.

You will receive your invoice digitally immediately after placing your order. We do not include printed invoices in the packages.

Help & Contact

Do you have questions about our products or your order? To answer your questions as quickly as possible, we have set up a comprehensive FAQ page.

There you will find quick answers to the most frequently asked questions about the availability of our products, shipping, payment and the returns process.

You can't find the right answer in our FAQ and need further help? Then just write us a short message and we will take care of your request. (Mandatory information is marked with an *)

Contact form