Outdoor carpet

Make yourself comfortable in front of your motorhome, on your balcony or terrace with a trendy outdoor rug.

Outdoor carpets are now absolutely trendy and are also a versatile and, above all, functional solution for almost any outdoor area, whether on the balcony, the terrace or on holiday in a motorhome.

The carpets are particularly robust thanks to their special polypropylene fibers and can withstand almost any weather. The special fiber structure also makes them very dimensionally stable and absorbs very little moisture. This means that the outdoor carpets can be cleaned quickly and easily, for example by simply cleaning them with a garden hose. Another advantage of the outdoor carpets is their high light resistance: This means they retain their beautiful design even when exposed to strong sunlight.

In addition to all these advantages, the outdoor carpets should of course do one thing above all: offer a visual highlight and thus become a real alternative to the classic grey camper carpet. For this reason, you will find a large selection of outdoor carpets with different colors and patterns in our shop.