Gasprüfung für Wohnmobil und Wohnwagen: Das solltest du wissen

Gas testing for motorhomes and caravans: What you should know

Posted by Rebecca Andresen on

Anyone who owns a mobile home or caravan will certainly have one or the other connected to the gas supply. These systems usually run on gas:

  • Gas stove in the camping kitchen
  • Heating
  • Hot water
  • Refrigerator

In order to ensure the safety of all these installations, a gas test in the motorhome had to be carried out every two years in the past.


In the past, passing a gas test was a prerequisite for the main inspection (HU) or TÜV. Until now, there was no TÜV without passing this gas test, but this has changed since the beginning of 2020.

The gas testing requirement G 607 for mobile homes is temporarily suspended until January 1, 2023.

Even though the requirements have been temporarily relaxed, we strongly advise every camper owner to still have a gas test carried out regularly. After all, this is for the safety of the family, as a gas leak can lead to suffocation or even an explosion. And some campsites and parking spaces also require a valid gas test as a condition for overnight stays on their pitches.

But what actually happened and why were the measures relaxed?

  1. the test equipment used is not available for quality control in the main inspection
  2. the experts carrying out the work are often not sufficiently qualified for the task.

So what does this mean for us motorhome owners?

Until January 2023, we are allowed to undergo the main inspection at the TÜV without the yellow test certificate.


Things are actually a little different here, as the gas test is not required for your main inspection at the TÜV. In fact, it goes so far that even failing a gas test is “only” classified as a “minor defect” and you can still pass your TÜV.

The only problem is that if it really is the case that the gas test was either not passed or simply not carried out, the insurance will no longer cover you in the event of an accident. This is because it is then considered gross negligence and your insurance cover is no longer valid.


For caravans and motorhomes

Important: As soon as a change is made, such as a new gas stove or a new heater, a gas test must be carried out. In the case of mobile homes, this must be done immediately after installation and this also applies if the last gas test was only 4 weeks ago.

As mentioned, it is not a must for caravans, but we recommend that everyone do it. Gas

What exactly is checked during a gas test?

  • Inspection of gas cylinder holders
  • Inspection of ventilation openings
  • Checking the seals of the gas system
  • Testing of safety valves
  • Functionality of the gas system
  • Testing of connecting hose and pressure reducer
  • Testing of gas appliances connected to the gas system
  • Inspection of exhaust pipes

How can I prepare for this?

  • Gas bottle should be filled and connected
  • Battery must be charged
  • All systems connected to the gas must also function
  • Connecting hoses and pressure regulators should not be older than 10 years
  • Yellow inspection certificate booklet

Who carries out a gas test?

  • Motorhome or caravan dealer
  • Specialist workshops or testing companies (such as TÜV itself)
  • At some campsites there are also regular inspections
  • Mobile service providers who come directly to your motorhome

Costs of a gas test

Normally a gas test costs around 20-50€.

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