Erfahre alles über das spannende Glamping Makeover und entdecke, wie der kleine Beachy 360 von Julia und Marc mit der richtigen Camper-Dekoration veredelt wurde. Den vollständigen Artikel jetzt auf Wildnest Glamping lesen.

Glamper makeover inspiration with classy camper decoration: Julia & Marc

Posted by Rebecca Andresen on

Julia and Marc's stylish glamping makeover of their Beachy 360 caravan from Hobby. Small, but with sophisticated charm. Read the whole article now in the Wildnest blog.

The right camper decoration to stylishly refine your Beachy 360 caravan - Glamping Makeover Edition 2

Welcome again to our glamorous journey through the world of glamping! Today we focus on Julia and Marc, a couple from near Düsseldorf who have been enriching the streets with their magical Hobby caravan "Beachy 360" since 2022.

Immerse yourself in Julia and Marc's stylish glamping makeover of their Beachy 360 caravan. Small but beautiful, with a successful mix of natural tones, beige, white and fine wooden elements. Find out more on our Wildnest blog.

Natural tones flow seamlessly through the room, while accents in beige and white lighten the scenery. The carefully placed natural elements as camper decoration add a warm touch and create an attractive constellation that perfectly strikes the balance between functionality and aesthetics.

Despite an already satisfactory basic design of their caravan, Julia and Marc have not left their glamping oasis untouched.

Their Beachy 360 provided a great foundation to build on, so instead of a major renovation, they decided to upgrade their glamper with tasteful decorations and matching camping accessories .

The art is to maintain a good basic design while enhancing the space with decorative elements and functional accessories .

Julia and Marc have masterfully found this balance. They understand that the wrong accessories can not only affect the visual appeal but also the functionality of their glamper.

Discover the modern and minimalist flair in Julia and Marc's Beachy 360 caravan. A glamping makeover that shines in natural tones, beige and white. You can find all the details in the article on our Wildnest blog.
Katja and Marc's small Beachy 360 caravan can keep up with even large glamping caravans thanks to its lovingly and carefully selected decoration and camping accessories. Read the whole article about the glamping makeover now at Wildnest Glamping.
There are no unnecessary elements in Julia and Marc's caravan, but everything is well thought out, also because of the space. The design language in their caravan is clearly minimalist and modern. Find out more in our Glamping Makeover article on Wildnest Glamping

Was there a particularly clever idea for the glamping makeover?

Julia and Marc love simple solutions, and for them their wooden boxes are the secret heroes.

These boxes are not only practical, but also extremely versatile. They store accessories, camper decorations and all kinds of odds and ends safely and in an organized manner while you are driving.

But that's not all - the boxes reveal their true potential during the holiday. They not only serve as a table for cozy evenings, but also as the perfect cover for the cable drum. At the same time, the wooden boxes even have a decorative function that adds a charming touch to the entire glamping experience.

For Julia and Marc, the real charm lies in the simplicity and functionality of their wooden boxes. Simple, loving solutions that transform their mobile home into a cozy retreat. Sometimes it's the little things that exude the greatest charm.

What 3 changes would you make in another glamping makeover?

For them, it would be clear from the start that the Beachy 360 is minimalist, with no built-in bathroom or heating . Surprisingly, they don't miss either of them at all.

If Julia were considering another glamping makeover, the first things that would probably come to mind would be exactly that. For her, a glamping makeover doesn't necessarily mean overloading the camper with extra amenities. Instead , small, targeted changes can make a big difference. For example, she makes do by simply brushing her teeth at the kitchen sink and using a small fan heater and thick cozy blankets in the caravan on cooler nights.

Was there a purchase/DIY fail in the caravan?

So far, Julia and Marc have not experienced a real DIY failure or a bad purchase. On the contrary, it was more of a non-purchase that turned out to be a personal failure.

Beautiful camping wine glasses have been on their list for a long time. However, they haven't bought any yet because somehow they always forget.

In hindsight, they probably should have done it - because with every vacation their stock of wine glasses shrinks. In an "emergency" they always take glasses from home, leave them in the camper or the glasses simply don't survive the vacation.

Discover Julia and Marc's glamping wonder at Beachy 360. A minimalist charm in natural tones, beige and white. Read more about their thoughtful camper decorations on the Wildnest blog.

Your favorite pitch/campsite?

Vejers Strand Camping in Denmark

Wildnest product on the wishlist

Your Koziol Club No. 4 wine glasses are right on our wish list!

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