
Prepaid-Karten in Italien: Telefonieren und Surfen im Ausland | Jetzt im Blog von Wildnest

Prepaid cards in Italy: Calling and surfing abroad

By Rebecca Andresen

Bella Italia, Dolce Vita and the best way to do it is in a camper van or caravan. For the adventurous, there is everything here,...

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Der Campingplatz Tipp in Salzburg ist nicht nur für ein Städtetrip in Salzburg ideal, sondern auch Familien mit Kindern finden tolle Freizeitbeschäftigung.

Camping tip: City trip in Salzburg

By Rebecca Andresen

The Nord Sam campsite is a great campsite tip for those who have planned a city trip to Salzburg, Austria. It is located a little...

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12 schöne & individuelle Geschenkideen für Weihnachten

12 beautiful & individual gift ideas for Christmas

By Rebecca Andresen

We are just about to reach Christmas and every year we are faced with the question of what to give our loved ones this year....

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Stellplatz Tipp für den Campingurlaub auf einem Alpakahof

Pitch tip: Alpaka Ranch Niedergerner

By Rebecca Andresen

Discover our parking spot tip from our own experience. This time we were at an alpaca ranch in Niedergerner. Perfect for families with children. We...

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8 Sortier-& Organisationstipps für deinen Camper

8 sorting & organization tips for your camper

By Rebecca Andresen

Storage space is always an issue in a camper. And as if it wasn't difficult enough to limit yourself to the bare essentials of clothes...

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7 tolle Campingkochbücher für deinen Camper | Wildnest Glamping

7 great camping cookbooks

By Rebecca Andresen

Eating cold ravioli from a can is no longer a must in camping life. Many campers also treat themselves to the luxury of having a...

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Neue Außenfolierung vom Camper

New exterior foiling of the camper

By Rebecca Andresen

Finally the time has come and our Wildnest (Sunlight T65) has received a new foil.

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Our Story  | Wohnmobil Ausstattung |  Wildnest Glamping

Our Story

By Rebecca Andresen

We are Christoph - a dad with petrol in his veins and a passionate planner - and Rebecca - a mom with a passion for...

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