Sarah und Philip haben mit tollen DIY-Projekten ihren Van verschönert. Erfahrt alles zu ihren Projekten jetzt im Wildnest Glamping Blog.

Beautify & improve your van: Sarah & her DIY projects

Posted by Rebecca Andresen on

Sarah and Philip have beautified their van with great DIY projects. Find out all about their projects now in the Wildnest Glamping Blog.

Beautify your van with great DIY ideas - Glamper Edition #9

Even if it is not the classic camper renovation, where the interior of a camper is completely removed and redesigned - the van beautification without renovation measures is just as exciting.

We are convinced that Sarah and Philip's story can appeal to many campers and inspire them to dream. Their journey, from finding the perfect camper to customizing it without renovation , is a fascinating adventure that can encourage many people to beautify their own van with great DIY projects.

Before we dive into the details, we would like to introduce you (as just mentioned) to Sarah, Philip and their sweet dog Elli, who are the proud owners of a striking orange van named Fritzi .

Their van is a fully converted camper from Pössl (model Summit 600 Plus) based on a Citroën Jumper with 175 hp. After selling their beloved air-cooled VW T3 Westfalia bus, which they had used for their first camping trips, they decided on Fritzi last year. This decision was made because they needed more space and comfort for full-time van life .

Sarah and Philip are exploring Europe in full-time van life. They have beautified their van instead of renovating it. Everything about the orange Fritzi now in the Wildnest Glamping Blog

Beautifying a van vs. converting a camper

Sarah always wanted to convert her own van. But she and Philip had to be realistic. The idea of ​​converting a van themselves so that everything would run on electricity and water seemed too big a challenge to them, given their limited manual skills and no experience in areas such as electrics and plumbing. So they "unfortunately" decided to buy a fully converted camper and embellish their van with exciting DIY projects.

But none of them met her expectations.

Sarah could never understand why most pre-built campers, while undoubtedly practical, seemed so bland and standard. The idea of ​​a boring and bare interior just didn't fit with her individual style and her need for a cozy retreat when traveling. So finding a camper that fit her was a real challenge. Every model they looked at seemed to have the same drab and uninspired look that didn't match her idea of ​​a personal and welcoming home.

Sarah could never understand why most fully converted campers, although undoubtedly practical, seemed so unimaginative and standardized. Discover her colorful makeover with great DIY projects to beautify the van. Now on the Wildnest Glamping Blog

Ultimately, they made a compromise: they didn't build a van from scratch, but instead transformed the van they bought into a unique and cozy home on wheels. At the beginning, they didn't have a clear vision, but little by little, it developed by following their gut instinct . Since Sarah has a penchant for creativity, she just tried out some ideas and let her intuition guide her.

Clever ideas to beautify your van

The bathroom in the camper once seemed a bit dreary and boring. But after Sarah's creative makeover, it shines with a completely new atmosphere. Find out more about the individual design of the van with fantastic DIY ideas in the Wildnest Glamping Blog.
After beautifying her van, Sarah's bathroom has become her personal favorite space. She added a lot of warmth to the space through a simple wrap DIY project. Discover more details on customizing the van with amazing DIY ideas on the Wildnest Glamping blog.

There are numerous design elements in Sarah's camper that she particularly loves. The foil in the bathroom in particular has made a big difference. Everything used to look sterile and white, but now the bathroom has almost become her favorite place. Another highlight is the homemade cork cover in the kitchen, for which she spent over 10 hours of burning painting . The mandala she designed shows many sunflowers that can be discovered upon closer inspection. The self-sewn curtain with the orange world map is another personal detail that goes perfectly with her camper Fritzi. Each individual work helps to make the van something very special.

Sarah's top 7 DIY projects to beautify her van

Foiling in the bathroom

Homemade cork cover in the kitchen with burning painting

self-sewn curtain with the orange world map

(orange-painted) wood paneling on the van kitchen

Laying carpet with carpet tiles

Decoration with bamboo slats in the van bathroom

Tile foil in the kitchen

Sarah sewed curtains in her own van with an orange world map to match the color scheme of her beautification. Discover more about customizing the van with great DIY ideas on the Wildnest Glamping blog.
To dress up her van in line with her colour scheme, Sarah painted wooden slats orange and used them to cover the wooden kitchen. This gives the van a huge individuality. Explore the world of van customisation with fantastic DIY ideas on the Wildnest Glamping Blog.

The colour concept

The color concept for beautifying your van is pretty clear. The interior of the van is dominated by a lot of orange, combined with beige and brown tones. The use of sunflower motifs also gives yellow accents here and there. This color palette radiates a pleasant warmth and gives the room a cozy atmosphere. When you enter the camper, you immediately feel at home and are instantly in a good mood.

The color scheme for the makeover of their van was undoubtedly orange. It gives the van a cozy warmth and puts you in a good mood. Find out more about this exciting transformation of the Fritzi van on the Wildnest Glamping blog.

Must-dos to beautify every van - with the 3 upgrades

Foiling. This allows you to make a big change quickly and easily

Collect souvenirs/memories from each country and incorporate them into the decoration.

Integrate even more with cork and with individual pyrography

Sarah added a creative touch to her van by decorating the kitchen deck with a unique pyrography-inspired cork mat. Find out more about her inspiring DIY projects on the Wildnest Glamping blog.
Sarah's van makeover is extremely creative. She decorated the kitchen countertop with a custom-designed cork mat using pyrography. Find out more about her fascinating DIY projects on the Wildnest Glamping blog.

DIY fail in the van

Sarah and Philip initially had to deal with an annoying problem: the decorations kept falling off because they couldn't find a suitable double-sided tape. This was particularly frustrating in warmer temperatures, and Philip was increasingly annoyed by the constant decoration accidents. Since they started using Nanotape , everything has held rock solid, even in changing temperatures.

If you had one wish from Genie

"Definitely a roof terrace and a swing that I can fold out from the luggage rack above. When it came to converting a van myself, these were two things I always imagined: swinging into the sunset and having breakfast on the roof terrace."


Any further projects planned?

There are no concrete plans for renovation projects at the moment as working on the road is difficult. However, Sarah has some cork and her wood burning torch with her in case she gets bored. Philip rolled his eyes when he discovered what Sarah had hidden in the van.

Sarah has given her van a very personal touch by implementing a clever idea using cork pyrography. Not only has she used it to decorate her kitchen countertop, but she has also embellished and customized the entire interior of her van. Find out more about her DIY projects on the Wildnest Glamping blog.

Favorite pitch

Sarah and Philip made an unforgettable stopover in a very special place, namely on the island of Sardinia . It was without doubt one of the most beautiful places they have ever visited with their camper - a true paradise, especially for their dog Elli. Even in April and May, the temperatures here are pleasant between 20 and 25 degrees, and the beaches are not yet overcrowded. They had endless white sandy beaches all to themselves and were able to enjoy the most beautiful pitches in the middle of untouched nature along the coast or on the cliffs. Sardinia is not called the "Caribbean of Europe" for nothing! They always felt safe, and of course the delicious Italian food was not missing: pizza, pasta and wonderful cappuccinos.

Sarah's van kitchen looks incredibly inviting with its individual touch. Now everything in the Wildnest Glamping Blog

Advice for anyone who wants to beautify or redesign their van

"Have courage! Many things are super easy to undo if you don't like them or if you've messed up. For example, I started the foiling a few times because it wasn't easy, especially on round surfaces. Or if you have too many ideas? Start implementing one thing at a time. A lot of things are still developing. Our Fritzi is still "developing" after more than a year and we have sometimes implemented projects that I hadn't even thought of at the beginning. Start small and then dare to go bigger and bigger when it feels right."


Sarah's Wildnest Favorites

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